Maker Community
About the space
Maker Community is a non-profit makerspace in Brunswick, dedicated to learning, skill sharing and community building. It’s an inclusive space, open to everyone who wants to make and build, and supports a range of different crafts including woodwork, metalwork, textiles, electronics, 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC and more.
My involvement
Maker Community is an existing project, run for multiple years by a crew of generous and hard-working volunteers. I joined the group as a volunteer in 2021.
Theory of Change
1. Community building
All local commuity organisations can contribute to building a better world by encouraging people to build networks of local connections, resolve conflicts, and manage resources together.
2. Recycling & re-use
Maker community actively envourages recycling and re-use, by providing skills, encouragement and tools for members to repair items and re-use materials. In woodworking in particular, we have seen much more recycled timber used than new, due to machines supplied by Sustainability Victoria.
3. De-commoditification
When people make their own possessions, they are embued with a personal story that makes it less likely that they will be treated as exchangable commodities.
4. Further radical roots
There is a long history of connection between craft (such as woodworking) and utopian anti-capitalist movements. My practice of woodwork is directly linked to the philosphies of Ruskin, Morris, Stickley and other leaders of the Arts & Crafts movement.
5. Resilience
In a future needing real local resilience, a well equipped makerspace, and a community of people with practical skills, could be materially useful to saving lives and providing necessary supports.
I have a nascant project to link these elements further together over at: Subversive Woodworking